Daegu Contemporary Art Festival
'74 Contemporary Art Festival, Brochure, 1974, MMCA Art Research Center Collection, Gift of Lee Kunyong

Daegu Contemporary Art Festival

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The Daegu Contemporary Art Festival was an annual contemporary art festival held in Daegu between 1974 and 1979. Three-dimensional works and paintings were frequently presented in the festival. The first exhibition (1974) and second exhibitions were primarily held in indoor exhibition halls, but the third exhibition expanded its venue to include both indoor and outdoor spaces. This third exhibition was divided into two parts, a major component of which was Lee Kangso, Park Hyunki, Chong Jaekyoo, Lee Jongyoon, and Jang Jeongjin’s collective outdoors piece titled Event in Nature. In addition, the Korean Art Association board members, including Park Seobo and Ha Chonghyun, came to Daegu to moderate a panel discussion about contemporary art and the concerns of avant-garde artists for the third exhibition. In the fourth exhibition, a significant inclusion was the video works of Park Hyunki, Kim Deoknyun, and Kim Youngjin, while in the fifth and final iteration of the festival, Lee Kun-Yong reenacted his piece Logic of Place, initially staged at the AG Exhibition (1975). In the contemporary period, The Gangjeong Daegu Contemporary Art Festival (Gangjeong daegu hyundae misulje), incepted in 2012, has continued in its tradition.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art. Korea Arts Management Service


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