Video art
Paik Nam June, The More, The Better, 1988, Video installation; four-channel video, color, sound; 1,003 monitors, steel structure, 1,850×1,100×1,100cm. MMCA collection ⓒNamgoong Sun

Video art

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A genre of modern art that uses video as a medium. After Paik Nam June created the first works of video art in 1963, the genre spread internationally. Video art explored new artistic possibilities using advanced technology and embodied a rejection of conventional art media. Video art was quick to drawn critical attention because of the relative immediacy that underlies the creation and display of such works, and the efficiency of the medium as means to portray and interlink a large number of images. Following Paik Nam June ’s early experiments with TV monitor installations in the 1960s, in the 1970s new forms of work emerged that combined video and performance art.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art. Korea Arts Management Service


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