Conceptual Art
Lee Kun-Yong, Relation Term, 1978, Wooden box, branch, stone, chalk and twine, 20×160×120cm. MMCA

Conceptual Art

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An artistic style and philosophical approach that originated in the United States and Europe in the 1960s. Conceptual artists valued the intangible ideas and processes of the art work as being at least of equal importance to the ultimate art product. In the West, this conceptual approach became critically prominent during the 1970s. In Korea, the term refers more broadly to the work of artists who have experimented with the subversion of sculptural and aesthetic norms. Such artists were active in the Korean Avant Garde Association (AG, established in 1969) and the Space and Time group (ST, established in 1971), creating a comprehensive movement of Korean conceptual artists whose work includes installations, performances, and outdoor work.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art by Korea Arts Management Service