Non Col
Non Col Art, Coterie Magazine, 1965. Image provided by MMCA Art Research Center, Donated by Hwang Yangja

Non Col

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An art group formed in 1962 by five alumni of Hongik University: Chung Chanseung, Han Youngsup, Choi Taeshin, and Kim Inhwan. The name Non Col derived from the old name for the Hongjaewon, where their joint studio was located. In February 1965, the group held its first exhibition at the Sinmunhoegwan Gallery with the support of Hankook Ilbo newspaper, which also published Non Col Art, a magazine for the group. Written correspondence and interviews indicate that the members of the group were highly critical of the Korean contemporary art scene at the time. They felt both a sense of responsibility to engage in social activism as part of the April Revolution generation, and a desire to move away from participating in the state supported exhibitions which used the competition format. The group disbanded in 1967 after its third exhibition. Afterward, several members spearheaded the establishment of the Sinjeon Group in 1967. This avant-garde orientated group was part of the new generation that emerged within the Korean art community after Informel began to lose momentum.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art. Korea Arts Management Service


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