Arts Council Korea (ARKO)
50th anniversary emblem ⓒARKO

Arts Council Korea (ARKO)

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Arts Council Korea (ARKO) is a cultural and artistic policy review organization established under the Prime Minister's Office based on the 1973 Culture and Arts Promotion Act. It was abolished in 2000 following revision of the law. In the beginning, the Arts Council Korea was established to contribute to the development of national culture by continuing traditional cultural arts and creating new creative expressions by supporting projects and activities for the promotion of culture and arts. The council played a role in planning basic policies and plans for the promotion of culture and arts, deliberation on matters concerning the creation and operation of the Culture and Arts Promotion Fund, and deliberation on other important matters concerning the promotion of culture and arts. The council consisted of less than 17 members, including one chairperson (the Prime Minister) and one vice-chairperson (the Minister of Culture and Public Information) (1979. 3. 28. Revised). In addition, expert members could be appointed to collect, survey, research, and attend meetings of the council on the promotion of culture and arts. Also, local culture and arts promotion committees could be established in each city and province (1983. 4. 25. New).
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art by Korea Arts Management Service

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