Culture and Arts Promotion Act
Korea Culture and Arts Foundation (now Art Council Korea, ARKO for short), Korea TV Collection

Culture and Arts Promotion Act

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The Culture and Arts Promotion Act (CAPA) was enacted in August 1972 to support projects and activities for the promotion of culture and arts, thereby preserving traditional Korean arts and creating new culture to contribute to the development of existing national culture. According to the Act, national and local governments shall devise policies for the promotion of culture and arts by listening to the opinions of cultural and art institutions and organizations, as well as encourage, protect, and foster the cultural and artistic activities of the public and actively prepare the financial resources necessary for them. To this end, the art promotion committee may be established in each city or province, and a culture space shall be established, or professional human resources and specialized arts organizations shall be fostered. In addition, comprehensive policies for the promotion of culture and arts, such as creating the Culture and Arts Promotion Fund, and operating the Arts Council Korea (ARKO) shall be implemented.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art by Korea Arts Management Service
