Korean Proletarian Fine Art Federation

Korean Proletarian Fine Art Federation

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An organization established in 1945 that was aligned with socialist ideology. The name of the federation was changed to Puromimaeng shortly after its establishment, before being again changed to the Korean Art Alliance (Joseon misul dongmaeng). The alliance promoted proletarian art and advertised its work on the streets and at factories, and it also criticized the beliefs and lack of principles of the Korean Art Construction Headquarters (Joseon misul geonseol bonbu), the largest art organization at the time. The alliance followed a clear political ideology and aesthetic, and following the dissolution of the Korean Art Construction Headquarters (Joseon misul geonseol bonbu), it absorbed many of the formers’ artists into its ranks. Its membership, however, lacked influence in the art community, and as a result the alliance was ineffectual and disbanded in 1948.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art. Korea Arts Management Service


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