1950 Art Association
“Culture News: Founding of the 1950 Art Association,” Yonhap Shinmun, January 10, 1950, 4, column 10

1950 Art Association

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An alliance of artist associations established in 1950 by representatives Kim Whanki, Nam Kwan, and Lee Qoede and secretary general Kim Byungki. Groups excluding the Great Korean Art Association [Daehan misul hyeophoe] formed the 1950s Art Association for deconstruction for the purpose of the development and promotion of national art. While differing perspectives exist on the exact mission of the association, it is often considered to have embodied the desire of these established artists to progressively develop national art, regardless of their ideological differences. The association planned an exhibition for July 1, 1950, but it failed to come to fruition because of the outbreak of the Korean War. While the association was active for a short period of time, it left behind a legacy of public education programs on art theory, through endeavors such as initiating a series of lectures on contemporary painting. The solidification of the anti-communist agenda during the war caused the majority of the members of the Korea Art Alliance to depart for North Korea, and others, with the exception of Kim Whanki and Nam Kwan, joined the Great Korean Art Association. The association is therefore seen as an independent organization that opposed the establishment authority centered on the National Art Exhibition (Gukjeon).
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art by Korea Arts Management Service


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