Park Hyunki
Park Hyunki, Untitled, 1986, TV, stone, videotape, 207×51×46cm. MMCA collection

Park Hyunki

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Park Hyunki (1942-2000) was a pioneering Korean video artist whose work focused on natural objects, such as water and stone, primarily using the medium of video. His oeuvre encompasses drawing, installation, performance art, and photography, among other genres. Born in Osaka, Japan, the artist returned to Daegu, his family’s hometown, in 1945 and settled in the city. He enrolled in the Department of Painting in the College of Fine Arts at Hongik University in 1961, but later changed his major to architecture. After graduation, he engaged both in the interior design business and artistic endeavors. Park has participated in the avant-garde art exhibition Daegu Contemporary Art Festival in Daegu since 1977. He was the first to experiment with video as a medium, thus significantly contributing to the development of Korean video art and the regional dissemination of experimental art. At the same time, he continued to join international exhibitions. The Water Tilting Performance featured at the Fifteenth São Paulo Biennale (1979) and Untitled (TV Stone Tower) submitted to the Eleventh Paris Biennale (1980) are the artist’s notable works that merge nature and media. In 1981, he also presented the performance project Pass through the City, in which he traversed the city center of Daegu with a giant stone to which a large mirror was attached on a trailer over sixteen meters long. From the 1990s onward and until his death, he continued his exploration of innovative mediums by working in photo-processing practice that he called “photo-media” and creating the installation The Mandala (1997), which composed geometric forms by assembling pornographic photos, and Presence and Reflection (1999), a video filming the movement of flowing water.
* Source: MMCA
