Korean Art Construction Headquarters
“The Art Exhibition of Independence Opens Today,” The Jayu Shinmoon, October 20, 1945, 2, column 9

Korean Art Construction Headquarters

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An artist organization established in August 18, 1945 and dissolved November 20, 1945. The founding of the organization was led by Kim Jukyung, Jeong Hyeonung, Gil Jinseop, and Yoon Hee-soon. The organization was one of the five divisions of the Central Committee for the Construction of Korean Culture [Joseon munhwa geonseol jungang hyeobuihoe] which included literature, art, music, film, and theater. The goal of the headquarters was the “new and unified building of Korean art,” and Ko Huidong was designated as the head commissioner. The Headquarters was the largest art organization after independence, comprising a total of 186 artists in six different divisions; Eastern Art, Western Art, Sculpture, Crafts, Children’s Art, and advertisement art. The first activities of the Korean Art Construction Headquarters [Joseon misul geonseol bonbu] after its establishment included the creation of banners, portraits, and national flags for the welcoming parade to celebrate the arrival of Allied Forces. From October 20th to 29th, 1945, the headquarters held the first Art Exhibition for the Celebration of Independence and the Welcoming of the Allied Forces. The exhibition featured 23 works of Eastern-style art, 72 works of Western-style art, and 55 works of sculpture and crafts produced by about 90 artists. After the dissolution of the Headquarters, right-wing members including Ko Huidong established the Korean Art Association [Joseon misul hyeophoe] in 1945.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art. Korea Arts Management Service


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