Enforcement Ordinance of the Design and Packaging Promotion Act

Enforcement Ordinance of the Design and Packaging Promotion Act

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The Enforcement Ordinance of the Design and Packaging Promotion Act is a presidential decree (No. 9011) enacted in May 1978 to prescribe matters necessary for the implementation of the Design and Packaging Promotion Act enacted in December 1977. It mainly discussed activities of the Design and Packaging Promotion Committee, which was established under Article 3 of the Design and Packaging Promotion Act. It consists of twelve articles from the first indicating its objectives to the twelfth regarding the submission of revenue and expense statements. As the Design and Packaging Promotion Act was amended in its entirety to the Industrial Design and Packaging Promotion Act in 1991, the enforcement ordinance was also revised and renamed the Enforcement Ordinance of the Industrial Design and Packaging Promotion Act (presidential decree No. 13424). With the law amendment in 1997, the enforcement ordinance was revised to the Enforcement Ordinance of the Industrial Design Promotion Act (presidential decree No. 15349).
* Source: MMCA


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