New Generation Art
Lee Dongwook, I Wished, 2004, Mixed media, vynl, 5×15×5cm. MMCA collection

New Generation Art

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In the Korean context, “new generation art” refers to a series of artworks created between the late 1980s and the early 1990s. The use of this term relates to what was called the “new generation discourse,” a discussion about the young generation of artists emergent in the 1990s who had internalized individualism and a consumption-centered value system based on material abundance. In the Korean art community, this idea of New Generation Art referred to art projects displaying individual, unregulated, and disposable characteristics, concerns which separated them from the precedents set within the local traditions of Minimalist Modernism and Minjung Art. Museum, Golden Apple, and Sub Club are some of the most representative groups of New Generation Art, and numerous project exhibitions used the group’s name as their exhibition title. New generation artists organized experimental and crossover style performances, events, and exhibitions at new cultural venues such as the Space Ozone, Café Ollo Ollo, the Power Plant, Fungus, and the Plastic Surgery in Seoul.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art. Korea Arts Management Service


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