Baggat Art Research Society
Winter, Open-Air Art Show at Daesung-ri by 31 Artists, Poster, 1981, MMCA Art Reaserch Center Collection

Baggat Art Research Society

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An art organization that practiced outdoor site-specific art around the Bukhangang River in 1992 to “deal with all spheres of life of living creatures including humans.” The origin of Baggat Art Association began from the Winter, Open-Air Art Show at Daesung-ri by 31 Artists exhibition held in 1981. 31 participating artists founded the Baggat Art Club in Daesung-ri and a year later changed the name to Baggat Art Research Society. They regarded nature as an inspirational creative medium and presented ritualistic works to challenge the obsessively modern mentality of the time. While dismantling the Winter in Daesung-ri exhibition, the contributors decided to restart as the Baggat Art Association in 1992. In the Association manifesto, they stated that they aimed to “challenge abstract and conceptual Korean art [for accepting] Western influence blindly” and promote Baggat art “as an attempt to coexist with nature.” The Association continue today their art activities relating to nature and ecocriticism.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art. Korea Arts Management Service


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