Contemporary Prints Grand Prix Exhibition
The First Contemporary Prints Grand Prix Exhibition, Leaflet, 1971, MMCA Art Research Center Collection

Contemporary Prints Grand Prix Exhibition

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The Contemporary Prints Grand Prix Exhibition was a printmaking competition hosted by Myeong-dong Gallery in 1971 and 1973. In the 1970s, Myeong-dong Gallery published the Selected Works of Korean Contemporary Prints (1971) to stimulate the distribution of prints and held a competition for the first time as a commercial gallery to discover new talents in printmaking and improve the quality of printmaking. The First Contemporary Prints Grand Prix Exhibition (October 14–20, 1971) was held under the sponsorship of the Asia Foundation and The Kyunghyang Shinmun newspaper. Simultaneity-Childhood 71 by Suh Seungwon won the gold prize, Pantomime 2353-II by Song Burnsoo won the silver prize, and Hanging out on Namsan Mountain by Kim Jinsuk won the bronze prize. Wall by Lee Seungil, When a Single Leaf is Shaking by Baik Kumnam, and A Sobbing Woman by Kim Tchasup received honorable mentions. The second competition (September 1–8, 1973) was co-sponsored by The Kyunghyang Shinmun newspaper and the Korean Contemporary Printmakers Association [Hanguk hyeondae panhwaga heyophoe]. With sixty-two entries, there was no gold prize winner. Situation A by Jeong Ingeon won the silver prize, and Chisel 7315 by Kim Jinsuk, and Black and White 73/4 by Shim Sookoo won the bronze prize. The competition was only held twice due to the lack of awareness of painting circles at the time and the indifferent response from artists. However, the first gold prize winner Suh Seungwon went to Japan with the prize money, which contributed to the advancement of Korean artists overseas.
* Source: MMCA


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