Korean Figurative Sculpture Association
The Third Korean Figurative Sculpture Association Exhibition, Brochure, 1979, MMCA Art Research Center Collection, Gift of the Kwon Jinkyu Commemoration Foundation

Korean Figurative Sculpture Association

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The Korean Figurative Sculpture Association was founded in August 1976 by a group of Hongik University alumni sculptors. Gradually, it became a nationwide association when artists from other universities joined the group. Starting with the inaugural exhibition in 1977, the association hosts member exhibitions, seminars, and workshops. In particular, the association held the MBC Korean Figurative Sculpture Exhibition every year from 1990 to 2015, the Korean Figurative Sculpture Exhibition from 2016 and the Korean Figurative Sculpture Selected Artists Exhibition from 2019 on. In 1991, the association created the Sculpture Criticism Award to examine articles and criticism, and Choi Tae Man (1992), Cho Eun Jung (1994), and Ko Yeo-song (1997) were awarded. In 1991, it also published the journal Figurative Sculpture. Currently, about 150 members are active.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art. Korea Arts Management Service