Kwon Jinkyu
Kwon Jinkyu, Bust"Z", 1967, Terra-cotta, 50×32×23cm. MMCA collection

Kwon Jinkyu

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Kwon Jinkyu (1922-1973) was an artist who pioneered Korean figurative sculpture with his terracotta and dry lacquer works. After studying painting at the Seongbuk Painting Academy run by Lee Qoede, Kwon entered the Department of Sculpture at Musashino Art School (now Musashino Art University) in Japan and learned from Shimizu Takashi. In 1953, he won the top prize at the Nika Association Exhibition, a non-governmental exhibition. After returning home, he held his first solo exhibition in 1965 at the Press Center of Korea, but it failed to draw much attention owing to Korean painting circles’ indifference towards figurative sculpture. However, the second solo exhibition held in 1968 at Nihonbashi Gallery in Japan was well received, and two of his works displayed at the exhibition were acquired by The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. In 1971, his third solo exhibition was held at Myeong-dong Gallery. Two years later in 1973 he passed away. In the following year, his posthumous exhibition was held at the same gallery. Kwon produced figurative sculptures of human figures, horses, and chickens by using materials and techniques, such as stone, wood, terracotta, and dry lacquering. He is considered to have elevated the quality of Korean sculpture to a higher level by excluding unnecessary decorations and pursuing the spiritual unity between the artist and subject. Among his notable works are Self-Portrait, Bust “Z”, and The Cross. Kwon’s atelier in Dongseon-dong was designated as National Registered Cultural Heritage No. 134 in 2004. In 2009, the exhibition entitled Kwon Jin-kyu was held in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the founding of Musashino Art University both at the MMCA and Musashino Art University. In 2022, Kwon Jin Kyu Centennial: Angel of Atelier was held at the Seoul Museum of Art.
* Source: MMCA


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