Korean Industrial Artist Association
“Culture News: Joseon Industrial Art Exhibition,” Hansung Ilbo, May 23, 1946, 2, column 9

Korean Industrial Artist Association

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An organization formed on 27 December 1945, by Gwon Yeonghyu, Han Hongtaik, Hong Hyeongmun, Lee Wanseok, Yu Yunsang, Jo Neungsik, Eom Doman, Cho Byungduk, Choi Yeonhan, Lee Taeseon, and Hong Namgeuk. Its office was located at the Cheonil Building in Yejidong, Seoul. The organization's primary activities included "exhibitions of artwork; research on advertising crafts, exhibitions, and industrial design; educational lectures and round-table discussions; promotion of the new nation; and introduction of overseas industrial art to Korea." Originally, two exhibitions were planned per year, one in spring and the other in autumn. The inaugural exhibition was held at the Dong Hwa Gallery from May 20 to 25 in 1946, and according to Yesul Yeongam 1947, a second exhibition was held at the same gallery from January 8 to 14 in 1947. After the second exhibition, the group issued a statement in which it asserted that it was never a member of the right-wing Korean Federation of Cultural Organizations [Jeonguk munhwa danche chongyeonhapoe]. In 1959, the group was renamed as the Korean Industrial Artist Association [Daehan saneop misulga hyeophoe], and it continues to exist to the present day.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art by Korea Arts Management Service


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