Living Art Department
Ewha Womans University Living Art Association, Living Art vol1, 1972, MMCA Art Library Collection

Living Art Department

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The name of a department in universities that teaches living arts, the Living Art Department is the successor of the Department of Drawing and the predecessor of the Department of Design. Living art is a field that encompasses crafts and design, mainly ceramics, textile art, and interior art, in response to fine arts. It can be defined as an aesthetic field related to human living culture. After Ewha Womans University promoted the School of Fine Arts to the College of Fine Arts in 1960, it established the Department of Painting, the Department of Living Art, the Department of Sculpture, and the Department of Embroidery. The College of Education at Sungshin Women’s University installed majors in art education and living art in 1965, and in 1972 a living art major was established in the Department of Fine Arts in its graduate school. Kookmin University began teaching ceramics by establishing the Living Art Department in 1968, and in 1971 it installed the Living Art Department, the predecessor of the Department of Crafts, within the School of Home Economics. When the School of Design was newly established by merging the Department of Costume, the Department of Living Art, the Department of Decorative Arts, and Department of Architecture in 1974, the Living Art Department was separated from the School of Home Economics. When Kookmin University was promoted to a four-year university in 1981, the School of Design was renamed the College of Design, the Department of Living Art was renamed the Department of Craft Arts, and the majors of ceramics and metalwork were separated. In many cases, the Living Art Department was installed not in the College of Fine Arts but in the College of Home Economics, as seen in Sungkyunkwan University and Kookmin University. Yonsei University has had the Department of Living Design in the College of Life Sciences since 1996.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art by Korea Arts Management Service


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