Ssamzie Space

Ssamzie Space

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A non-profit multicultural complex that opened in 2000 with the support from Ssamzie Co. Ltd. The complex is located near Hongik University, and was an expansion of the Ssamzie Art Project, which supported the work of artists at the old headquarters of Ssamzie that was remodeled into a studio. Ssamzie Space was established to help underground artists in their pursuit of genre deconstruction, and develop an alternative culture which reflected the outlook of the next generation. Kim Hong-hee became the director of Ssamzie Space and initiated numerous programs such as exhibitions and performances. In addition to supporting artists and exhibitions, Ssamzie Space provided a creative studio space for artists with a year-long program and a short, three-month program. The diminishing role of alternative spaces and financial difficulties led Ssamzie Space to close in March 2009.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art by Korea Arts Management Service


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