Korean Federation of Literature and Art
Annual Compilation of (North) Korean Literature and Arts - Juche 88, (Pyongyang: Munhak Yesul Press, 1999), MMCA Digital Archive Collection

Korean Federation of Literature and Art

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A group of writers organized by the North Korean Joseon Labor Party. North Korea defined the Korean Federation of Literature and Art [Joseon munhak yesul chong dongmaeng] as “an integral organization of writers and artists that connected artists with the party.” The organization carried out the North Korean Joseon Labor Party’s doctrine and propaganda. It belonged to the propaganda labor division of the Joseon Labor Party’s Central Committee and managed all cultural activities in North Korea. It began as the North Korean Art Confederation on March 25th 1946 and was renamed and expanded as the North Korean Federation of Literature and Art [Bukjoseon munhak yesul chongdongmaeng] in October 1946. In March 1951, defect South Korean artists organization merged with North Korean art organization into the Korean Federation of Literature and Art [Joseon munhak yesul chong dongmaeng].
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art. Korea Arts Management Service


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