Contemporary Korean Painting (1958)
Korean Contemporary Painting, Leaflet, 1958, Image provided by Kimdaljin Art Archives and Museum

Contemporary Korean Painting (1958)

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A Korean art exhibition held from February 25 to March 22, 1958 at the World House Galleries in New York. The exhibition was considered the first exhibition after the Korean war to introduce the trends within Korean art to the international community. Ellen D. Psatty, an associate professor and art historian at Georgia University who organized the exhibition, visited Korea in August 1957 and contacted the Daehan Art Association and Korean Fine Arts Association and selected about 100 works of art. Of these, she chose 62 to be featured the exhibition. Of the exhibits, only Kim Kichang’s Warhorse sold at 2,000 dollars, and the exhibition failed to achieve much attention in the United States.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art. Korea Arts Management Service


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