Korean Federation of Cultural Organizations
“Culture News: Korean Federation of Cultural Organizations,” Hansung Ilbo, February 26, 1946, 4, column 8

Korean Federation of Cultural Organizations

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A cultural organization formed in 24 February 1946, also known as Munryeon. The alliance represented a total of 25 cultural organizations established after independence. Its membership comprised a total of 13 scholarly organizations, including the Joseon Haksulwon, Joseon Scientists Federation, Joseon Institute of Industry and Medicine, Joseon Institute of Legal Scholars, Joseon Linguistics Institute, and Joseon Institute of Women Scientists; a total of 9 art organizations, including the Korean Writers Federation, Joseon Theater Federation, Joseon Music Federation, Joseon Film Federation, and the Joseon Art Federation; and the Joseon Journalists Association, Joseon Educators Association, and Joseon Sports Association. The Munryeon's concerns included encouraging the rightful succession of national culture, a critical consumption of world culture, the importation and research of advanced scientific method, the development of new theories, democratic education of the masses, scientific enlightenment, and the exclusion of unscientific and undemocratic cultural tendencies. The group expressed support for the National Democratic Front. As such, right-wing members left the group and formed the Federation of Artistic & Cultural Organization.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art by Korea Arts Management Service


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