Dong-A Art Festival
1978 Dong-A Art Festival Paingting, Sculpture Contest, Leaflet, 1978, MMCA Art Research Center Collection

Dong-A Art Festival

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An exhibition launched in 1978 by the Dong-A Ilbo newspaper company and the Dong-A Broadcasting System, Dong-A Art Festival aimed to discover new emerging artists through the art contest. Along with the JoongAng Fine Arts Prize that the JoongAng Ilbo newspaper company started in the same year, it became firmly established as a doorstep for emerging artists in the 1980s and 1990s. This exhibition was in line with the Dong-A Photo Contest founded in 1963 by Dong-A Ilbo and the Seoul International Print Biennale founded in 1970. The fields of the Dong-A Art Festival kept changing. It had been held biannually with crafts, calligraphy, and photography separated from painting and sculpture. In the 1990s, in even-numbered years the festival held competitions in four fields including painting and sculpture, whereas in odd-numbered years it held competitions in calligraphy, seal engraving, and literati painting. However, school ties and personal connections through associations in the art world affected the judging process, thus undermining the authority of the festival. Moreover, as artists debuted through diverse means such as solo exhibitions, the Dong-A Art Festival changed from a call for works to a call for exhibition plans in 2006. Since then, a newly organized exhibition has been selected every year through a competition, attracting attention, but it was abolished in 2014.
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art. Korea Arts Management Service


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