Industrial Design and Packaging Promotion Act.

Industrial Design and Packaging Promotion Act.

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The Industrial Design and Packaging Promotion Act (No. 4321) was the new title given to the Design and Packaging Promotion Act (No. 3070), which was enacted in 1977, when it was amended in its entirety in 1991. When first enacted in 1977, the purpose of the Design and Packaging Promotion Act was to contribute to economic development and export expansion through research, improvement, and promotion of design and packaging. Revised to the Industrial Design and Packaging Promotion Act, its purpose was shifted to the increase in trade and national economic development through the promotion of research and development of industrial design and packaging and the strengthening of industrial competitiveness. According to the revised law, the Korea Design and Packaging Center (KDPC) established in 1970 was renamed the Korea Institute of Industrial Design & Packaging in 1991. The Industrial Design and Packaging Promotion Act was completely amended again in December 1996 and renamed the Industrial Design Promotion Act (No. 5214), which still continues in effect.
* Source: MMCA


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