Creative Art Association
The First Creative Arts Association Exhibition Invitation, 1959, Image provided by MMCA Art Research Center

Creative Art Association

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An art association formed in 1957. The establishment of the association was driven primarily by Western-style artists, and most of the founding members were artists in their thirties who were featured in the National Art Exhibition. The art association promoted a collective modern spirit based on the respective creative approaches of the members, regardless of their genre, academic background, and social connections. The association sought to reform the art community from the inside, and to establish an ideology for common action within the association. In 1960, the association temporarily adopted the abbreviated name Changmijeon, and later changed the name to Changjakmihyeop, before once again becoming the Creative Art Association (Changjak misul hyeophoe).
* Source: Multilingual Glossary of Korean Art. Korea Arts Management Service


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